
Eyewear / Lenses


At Buck and Todd we have access to the latest technology in lens designs and materials and are skilled in utilising them to benefit your eyes and lifestyle needs.

Optical technology continues to evolve as we find new ways to understand and meet the visual demands by today’s spectacle wearer, whilst providing maximum comfort with modernised optics and thinner lens materials. We now have access to customisable lenses designed to suit how it is worn on your face, your individual lifestyle and visual needs to accurately enhance your visual clarity. This is all possible in partnership with our lens manufacturer Zeiss who provide us with higher quality lenses than ever before.

Our independence allows us to individualise our lens catalogue, so we offer the best lens options for your eyes without restriction. Current lens designs take into account your prescription, frame fit, (camber, vertex distance and pantoscopic tilt), face shape, age and lifestyle to optimise your frame lens combination providing you the best possible vision.


Multifocal lenses enable you to focus on three different levels of vision; distance, intermediate (computer range) and near all within the one pair of glasses. The main styles of multifocal that we sell are progressives, but we also have bifocals and trifocals.

In progressive lenses, the power changes gradually from distance correction through an intermediate power zone, which is good for a computer distance, and down the lens towards the reading/close zone. Unlike bifocals and trifocals progressive lenses have no lines to interfere with your vision and are cosmetically more appealing as they appear the same as a single vision lens. The different power zones merge together gradually within the lens rather than being divided by visible lines on the surface.

Progressive lenses are multipurpose lenses and like all multipurpose tools do have some limitations, so for some visual activities other lens designs specifically designed for the task will outperform the progressive lenses. As an all-rounder the progressive lenses have ‘distortion zones’ seen here in blue.

These are located either side of the corridor you use for distance, intermediate and near tasks. Initially when first wearing progressives you will feel your peripheral vision may be blurred. This distortion is characteristic in all progressive lenses and cannot be removed, however with our customised lenses we can reduce the size, power and location of these distortions. This will optimise your vision for specific activities like driving, reading, and computer use.

The golden rule for progressive wear is that wherever you want to look, point your nose at the area for clear vision. Occasionally, a person may be particularly sensitive to peripheral blur or struggle to converge their eyes to follow the clear corridor in the progressive lens. If after a few weeks of trialling, they can’t adapt to the lenses, we can replace them with bifocals, trifocals or separate pairs of distance and reading glasses.

Bifocals have two distinct areas: distance viewing through the top and reading towards the bottom. The lower portion of the lens usually has a semi-circular D shape, but can also come as a small round segment, curve topped and as Franklin style (2 separate lenses fused together). Bifocal lenses allow for better peripheral vision compared to the progressive lens but lack the intermediate range. The bifocal has a set line between the distance power and the reading powers which can cause image jump and balance problems for elderly patients. Once adapted to bifocal lens wear this is rarely an issue.

People typically get a bifocal if they can’t adapt to a progressive, have irregular eye co-ordination or simply prefer this style of lens. For people who only need glasses for reading, bifocals are an excellent budget friendly option.

Trifocals benefit those who need clear vision at three distances- far distance, middle distance and near. There are three portions to a trifocal lens. The top, which is usually the largest portion, is for distance; the middle section is for seeing at intermediate distances such as at arm’s length; and the lowest part is for reading and other close work. The dividing lines between the three portions may be curved or straight, just as with bifocals. Trifocal lenses have these portions in different positions to cater for particular needs. Patients unable to adapt to a progressive and requiring the intermediate range that a bifocal doesn’t offer can find the trifocal suits their needs. The trifocal has 2 visible lines on the lens, showing where the different sections are located.

Zeiss Office Lenses

How many styles of footwear do you have and why? Other than fashion reasons, we have running shoes, thongs and steel capped boots just to name a few. We choose shoes to suit our tasks and the same applies to glasses. Whilst the progressive lens can perform almost every task we do, having a pair of glasses specifically designed for a specific task allows us to perform with less effort, less neck and back issues as we posture our bodies to suit a lens not really made for the job.

At Buck and Todd we understand that every work environment is different. We can customise office lenses to suit your individual needs. The goal is to have a maximum field of vision for both near and intermediate work, ensuring a natural posture is maintained through those long hours. We consider your age, prescription and the distance at which your computer screen/screens are set from your eyes and if you need to be looking out into the distance as well.

The lenses can be customised to allow up to 4 meters of distance vision. All these factors create a lens that allows you to walk around the office with distance vision but also the ability to see your computer comfortably.

It may be helpful to bring measurements of the distances from your eyes to your computer screen, workbench, instruments, or machines to your eye test if you are interested in office lenses, that way we are able to make an accurate order. Remember to also mention music, hobby or sporting activities that may require special lenses. This information will help your optometrist provide the best possible intervention to suit your lifestyle.

Zeiss DriveSafe

Driving can be a real challenge or stressful task for people on account of their vision. Some of the main concerns we all face while driving include driving through rain, oncoming headlights at night, tunnels, glare, reading road signs and shifting focus. The Zeiss DriveSafe lens is built specifically for driving and gives the wearer peace of mind at the wheel. These lenses build on three features to address visual challenges:

  • Luminance design technology
  • Zeiss UV coating
  • Customised DriveSafe lens design

DriveSafe takes into account eye and head movements when driving by providing optimised vision zones for both progressive and single vision wearers. Available clear, photochromic or as a sunglass this lens is available in forms to suit all driving conditions.

Anti-Fatigue Glasses

Anti-fatigue lenses for long periods of reading or computer work help reduce and prevent eye strain. Adding a small power boost towards the bottom of your distance lens, helps the eyes adjust from distance to near vision. Anti-Fatigue lenses are like a ‘baby’ distortion free progressive with power boost ranges between +0.50 to +1.25.

These lenses are typically used by kids going into high school and young adults. It is recommended to pair this style of lens with a blue light coating. Blue light filters are perfect for those using a device for long periods of time as it protects the eyes from the harsh blue violet light that reflects off screens. We do offer this coating with most of our lens options with Zeiss.

Zeiss DuraVision Platinum UV

Zeiss offers a UV coating that not only protects your eyes from unwanted reflections and glare but also makes the lens scratch resistant, anti-static and Easy to clean. We recommend the coating to all patients wearing their glasses full time, in harsh lit environments or for night driving.

For more information on the coatings Zeiss offer contact to team or click HERE.

Zeiss PhotoFusion X

Zeiss Photo Fusion Technology is a photochromic tint that makes your optical lens tint to a sunglass when activated by UV. This feature has evolved and is up to 2.5 times faster to activate and go back to clear that previous material. Not only does it provide UV protection but also blocks 50% of blue light indoors and 92% outdoors and has built in anti-glare. PhotoFusion tinting is available in Grey, Brown, and Pioneer green.

For more information on the Zeiss PhotoFusion X click HERE.

When dispensing we take both old style manual measurements as well as using an iPad to take photo measurements. These measurements allow us to have your prescription sit in line with your eye and customised your lenses to you eye and face shape.

See Clearly, Test Yearly!